
Tank Invaders brings explosive, armored vehicle action to iOS and Android on August 28th

Space Invaders with TANKS

Tank Invaders brings explosive, armored vehicle action to iOS and Android on August 28th
| Tank Invaders

Tank Invaders, a tactical shoot 'em up inspired by 80s action flicks, is coming to iOS and Android on August 28th.

The São Paulo-based Mgaia Studios first released Tank Invaders on Windows Phone, taking home three prizes at the SBGames 2013's Independent Games Festival for Best Mobile Game, Game Design (Mobile), and Visual Achievement (Mobile).

As its name suggests, Tank Invaders is similar to Space Invaders in structure, played in a top-down perspective with enemy tanks and other vehicles driving down across the screen.

Under the orders of the eye-patched General Rogers, your job is to tap away at the armored aggressors, raining down a flurry of missiles, machine gun fire, and more.

Waves of enemies aren't the only threats, though, with boss encounters adding an extra large challenge to the mix.

Tank Invaders is coming to the Google Play and App Store on August 28th, for free. Check out the gameplay trailer below.

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Chloi Rad
Chloi Rad
Chloi games, and Chloi writes, and at some point she made the dangerous decision of merging the two. Now she spends her time formulating words about weird games she finds, playing Dark Souls, and also playing Dark Souls.