
Sony announces 3 new free apps for the PS Vita

Travel Bug, Ecolibrium, and Imaginstruments

Sony announces 3 new free apps for the PS Vita

Mayumi Donovan, Sony's European product manager, has revealed on his company's PlayStation Blog that three new free applications will soon be available to download from PSN for the PS Vita: Travel Bug, Ecolibrium, and Imaginstruments.

Travel Bug utilises the handheld console's Near functionality as you compete with your friends to complete travel-based missions and reach destinations first. You can personalise your own travel bug, track it on an interactive map, and have it take "travel snaps" of its journey.

Ecolibrium, on the other hand, is an "imaginative" ecosystem simulator in which you maintain harmony within your very own environment. This is done by collecting and trading different species with other players through the Near application.

Finally, there's Imaginstruments, which has been designed from the ground up to take full advantage of the Vita's many available inputs. You can record tracks using drums, a guitar, and a variety of other instruments, and then share your creations with other users.

There's no firm release date attached to any of these free apps, but they are said to be "coming soon". Keep your eyes peeled.

Anthony Usher
Anthony Usher
Anthony is a Liverpool, UK-based writer who fell in love with gaming while playing Super Mario World on his SNES back in the early '90s. When he isn't busy grooming his beard, you can find him replaying Resident Evil or Final Fantasy VII for the umpteenth time. Aside from gaming, Anthony likes hiking, MMA, and pretending he’s a Viking.