
Gamevil and ngmoco on board for Smartphone & Tablet Games Summit at GDC 2012

Advisory board working on schedule

Gamevil and ngmoco on board for Smartphone & Tablet Games Summit at GDC 2012

Having most recently popped up at GDC Online in October, organisers have announced GDC 2012 will play host to another Smartphone & Tablet Games Summit.

Details of speakers are currently sketchy, but organisers have chosen to unveil this year's advisory committee.

Four for all

On board are Caryl Shaw from ngmoco, and Kyu C Lee from Gamevil USA. Also joining the group are Tiger Style's David Kalina and Chris Pruett from Robot Invader, and ex-Google.

"The Smartphone & Tablet Games Summit at GDC 2012 brings together top game developers from around the world to share ideas, introduce best practices and discuss the future of gaming on established and emerging smartphone and tablet platforms, including iPhone/iPad, Android, Blackberry, Windows 7 and more," reads the event's blurb.

"This two day program will highlight the nuts and bolts of great game design and reveal successful business strategies behind this new breed of popular smartphones and tablets."

GDC 2012 itself will run from March 5-9 in San Francisco, with the summit on the Monday and Tuesday.

Further details can be found on the GDC website.

Keith Andrew
Keith Andrew
With a fine eye for detail, Keith Andrew is fuelled by strong coffee, Kylie Minogue and the shapely curve of a san serif font. He's also Pocket Gamer's resident football gaming expert and, thanks to his work on, monitors the market share of all mobile OSes on a daily basis.