
Disney to debut Sharp 3D Android handset in Japan

Mouse meets small green robot

Disney to debut Sharp 3D Android handset in Japan

Given Steve Jobs is a notable member of Disney's board of directors, there's only one way sections of the press were ever going to treat the news that the company plans to launch an Android handset: shock.

The Disney Mobile branded phone, announced on the firm's Japanese website and expected to launch in February, will run Android 2.2 and is effectively a reskinned Sharp Galapagos 003SH.

As such, the company will be able to utilise the device's glasses-free 3D equipped 3.8-inch screen.

Disney dealings

The difference here is, the phone will also come with family friendly features like Disney email addresses, exclusive content and cases branded with the firm's cast of characters.

What's more, as the location of its announcement suggests, its launch is currently only planned for Japan, making it something of a minor intrusion on Steve Jobs' other interests – the man himself currently focused on issues of a more pressing nature.

Nonetheless, commentators are already speculating as to why Disney has decided to opt for Google's OS, rather than serving up an iOS device.

The answer, of course, is especially simple: Apple doesn't accommodate such intrusion from third parties. A Disney branded iPhone is an impossible prospect, making Android – or at a stretch a Windows Phone 7 – the only real option.

[source: Electronista]

Keith Andrew
Keith Andrew
With a fine eye for detail, Keith Andrew is fuelled by strong coffee, Kylie Minogue and the shapely curve of a san serif font. He's also Pocket Gamer's resident football gaming expert and, thanks to his work on, monitors the market share of all mobile OSes on a daily basis.