
Tencent's Dungeon and Fighter pulled from certain domestic Android stores in China

The game previously released in May

Tencent's Dungeon and Fighter pulled from certain domestic Android stores in China
  • Tencent's Dungeon and Fighter Mobile has been pulled from certain stores in China
  • The dispute appears to be related to revenue sharing agreements
  • Tencent have been quick to point players to download the game direct from their website

Tencent has pulled Dungeon & Fighter Mobile from multiple app stores in their home country of China, in an apparent dispute over revenue-sharing and other terms of service. This isn't the first time Tencent has butted heads with app store owners, but it is the biggest example, and most public blowup, thus far.

DnF Fighter, which released earlier this year in May, has now been removed from stores, reportedly including those run by Huawei, Vivo and Oppo. The move is a pretty abrupt one after less than a year since launch, but Tencent has been quick to point players to instead download the game directly from their website.

Dungeon & Fighter Mobile only recently made the jump to Chinese app stores, where it had already begun topping the charts.

Is Tencent pulling a Tim Sweeney?

What's most notable is the language used, and how it sets a clear dividing line between Tencent and the owners of these app stores. They note that the revenue sharing is something they feel is unfair, and steer customers towards their own website to download instead.

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We're definitely seeing shades of Tim Sweeney and his vendetta against Apple here. Or at the very least similar motivations for yanking a highly popular game from the app store and asking customers to download it directly from the developer instead.

However, it's particularly notable given how recently DnF Fighter was released, and that Tencent is, in fact, the largest video game business by revenue. It certainly seems as if we're getting some very big stunts from companies like Tencent regarding this.

But in the meantime, if you're looking for other games to play that haven't been removed, then why not take a look at our list of the best mobile games of 2024 (so far)?

Better yet you can always dig into the latest of our regular weekly feature with the top five new mobile games you need to try this week!

Iwan Morris
Iwan Morris
Iwan is a Cardiff-based freelance writer, who joined the Pocket Gamer Biz site fresh-faced from University before moving to the editorial team in November of 2023.