
GlobalFun and Turner Latin America team up for more mobile games

The Cartoon Network on your mobile

GlobalFun and Turner Latin America team up for more mobile games
| GlobalFun news

Mobile game publisher/developer GlobalFun and super-global-mega-entertainment company Turner Broadcasting Latin America has announced that the former has signed up to make and distribute games based on the Cartoon Network shows Ben 10 and Foster's Home for Imaginary Friends.

Turner will also distribute the games D2C through channels like the Cartoon Network website. The two companies already have a history of collaboration on titles like Johnny Bravo, Tom and Jerry, South Park, and the Brak Show.

What's Ben 10? It's a show about a boy called Ben Tennyson who finds a watch-like device called the Omnitrix that enables him to change into ten different "alien heroes", each with its own "awesome power".

For the forthcoming game, called Power of the Omnitrix, Ben will be able to assume three of his incarnations: Heatblast, Fourarms and Cannonbolt. It'll be an action game, with 12 "enemy-infested" levels. According to GlobalFun's website, it'll be out in June.

Foster's Home for Imaginary Friends, meanwhile, is rather touchingly about a home for unwanted imaginary friends. Details are scant on this one, but I'm guessing it's going to be a virtual pet game. It'll be out when it's out, but certainly in 2008.

Rob Hearn
Rob Hearn
Having obtained a distinguished education, Rob became Steel Media's managing editor, now he's no longer here though, following a departure in late December 2015.