
Gamma and Emu game emulators get big updates on iOS

But it's not all sunshine and roses

Gamma and Emu game emulators get big updates on iOS
  • Gamma and Emu game emulators for the iOS App Store are getting some big updates
  • Quality-of-life features and more are being added, alongside big bugfixes
  • Apple's change of TOS for emulators recently opened up the way for a wave of emulator apps

After the breaking up of the iOS rules on emulators, we've seen a massive influx of emulators to the iOS App Store. But now that they've settled in, what are the updates these services offer going to contain? What can you add for a service that mostly relies on users adding what they actually want to play?

Well, with new updates for the Gamma Game Emulator and Emu emulator, we're going to find out!

As spotted by the good folks over on the iOSGaming subreddit, recently released major updates for eNES and Gamma include a host of changes. For one, eNES (that's the Emu emulator) is getting a search bar and sorting functionality to let you more easily sift through your ROMs. 

Screenshot of the Gamma Game emulator at work

Meanwhile, for Gamma things are a little more lukewarm. For Gamma Pro supporters you'll be able to have early access to new cheat codes, and no more ads. Aside from that, it's a full-screen toggle for landscape and a variety of bug fixes.

That's all?

Uh-huh, nothing too major. But then again that's the main thing about emulators. You get out what you put in, quite literally. However, some may be a bit miffed at the idea that Gamma is focusing mainly on perks for pro supporters, especially the idea that ads before games (even those added by players) are going to be standard moving forward.

Still, once again it seems that these emulators are very much here to stay, and the updates fixing and improving functionality just ensure it.

Still, if you don't want to dive into the complex (if very deep) world of emulation, you can always check out the huge variety of games already on mobile. Check-in on our list of the best mobile games of 2024 (so far) to see what we've picked out.

Gamma - Game Emulator icon
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Iwan Morris
Iwan Morris
Iwan is a Cardiff-based freelance writer, who joined the Pocket Gamer Biz site fresh-faced from University before moving to the editorial team in November of 2023.