
Lima Sky's Pusenjak: Free-plus-paid will shake up the App Store charts

This is huge on so many levels

Lima Sky's Pusenjak: Free-plus-paid will shake up the App Store charts

Best known for its massively successful game Doodle Jump, iPhone developer Lima Sky has also released a varied bunch of always paid for apps, ranging from kids' game AniMatch to viral apps such as iBubbleWrap and the Flags Fun series.

We caught up with co-founder and artist Igor Pusenjak, to get his take on the potential changes arising from Apple's decision to enable free apps to include paid for micro-transactions.

Pocket Gamer: How significant do you think the ability to charge for micro-transactions within free games is?

Igor Pusenjak: This is huge on so many levels. Starting with the way it will change the rankings of the apps, since many of the Paid apps could now become Free, to the ability to expose the in-app purchases to a much larger audience.

Of course, there's also a possibility players will now be expecting a free trial for every game or app

How significant do you think the ability to submit one binary which contains a combined free and paid app is?

The whole concept of Lite apps on the App Store is basically a workaround for not having a way to offer trial versions of the apps. This should make the upgrade experience more streamlined.

How significant do you think this change is in terms of stopping iPhone app piracy?

It will certainly help.

How do you think this will change the Free, Paid and Top Grossing charts?

That will depend on how many developers switch their Paid apps to Free. It could have a significant impact, specially on the Free chart.

On the other hand, the developers of the apps that are top of the Paid chart may be reluctant to release a Free version as this would mean losing their ranking. And, of course, this is all assuming Apple leaves the rankings as they are now.

Do you plan to release free micro-transaction supported games ?

We're certainly exploring that possibility.

What do you think are the implications in terms of ad-supported free games?

Ad-supported free games will now have more competition in terms of the rankings, but there will always be a market for fully free ad-supported apps.

Thanks to Igor for his time.

You can find out more about what Lima Sky is up to on its website or via Twitter.

Jon Jordan
Jon Jordan
A Pocket Gamer co-founder, Jon can turn his hand to anything except hand turning. He is editor-at-large at PG.biz which means he can arrive anywhere in the world, acting like a slightly confused uncle looking for the way out. He likes letters, cameras, imaginary numbers and legumes.