Devils Purge is an upcoming AR game that lets you exorcise demons.

Use blessing to customize your weapon.

Devils Purge is an upcoming AR game that lets you exorcise demons.
  • Reveal demons with your camera and exorcise them with your flashlight
  • Reciev blessing you can use to customize your holy weapon
  • The game has a heavy metal vibe

Game developer ONTOP has announced an upcoming AR FPS that sounds perfect for horror fans. Devil's Purge is an action shooter featuring roguelike mechanics that takes place in the real world thanks to augmented reality tech. The game is currently in pre-alpha, with the first 666 players testing it out.

Billed as Pokémon Go meets DOOM, this exciting action game melds FPS mechanics with AR to let you vanquish demons with your smartphone. You’ll battle a variety of grotesque demons, which you’ll reveal with your camera and exorcise with your flashlight. Storywise, you have been chosen by God to exorcise demons from the earth with the ultimate goal of vanquishing the devil himself.

As you play, you'll receive aid from Jesus and the Archangels in the form of blessings. You can use these to customise your holy weapon to suit your playstyle. During the pre-alpha stage, players embark on a mission involving the Virgin Mary, who becomes corrupted after questioning the will of God. 

Blessings screen showing two golden angels kneeling on either side of standing gold angel with arms held out

ONTOP acknowledges that the religious tone means it won’t be for everyone. However, the developer hopes to attract people who enjoy a heavy metal vibe, which is probably unsurprising given the art style. 

In Devil’s Purge, demons spawn in the environment around you. You’ll need to physically dodge attacks and aim with your phone screen to shoot their weak points. The developer recommends you play in an open area to accommodate safe movement, as demons hiding behind walls and turning invisible mean jump scares abound.

You can pre-order Devils Purge now on the App Store. As of now, there don’t seem to be any plans to release the game for Android devices. To learn more about the game and stay up to date with all the latest news, follow the developer on X (Twitter) or TikTok

Devil's Purge icon
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Jack Brassell
Jack Brassell
Jack Brassell is a self-proclaimed nerd with a lifelong passion for storytelling. An aspiring author, Jack writes mostly horror and young adult fantasy. She is currently working to attain an associates degree in game design.