
RIM rebrands as BlackBerry ahead of BB10 launch

Time for a new start

RIM rebrands as BlackBerry ahead of BB10 launch

Leading the announcements at RIM's BlackBerry 10 unveiling in New York was the news that RIM is no more.

Instead, the company is rebranding itself as BlackBerry in an effort to better push its brand and solidify its business around the one name.

What's in a name?

The announcement was made by CEO Thorsten Heins, who – to a typical assortment of whoops and hollars – revealed the name is to be adopted immediately.

Indeed, the company is now already trading under the ticker name of BBRY on the Nasdaq and BB on the Toronto Stock Exchange.

"Our shareholders are invested in BlackBerry, our employees work for BlackBerry, we are BlackBerry," said Heins, cementing the shift change.

All attention will now shift to the new BlackBerry 10 devices – the BlackBerry Z10 and the BlackBerry Q10.

Keith Andrew
Keith Andrew
With a fine eye for detail, Keith Andrew is fuelled by strong coffee, Kylie Minogue and the shapely curve of a san serif font. He's also Pocket Gamer's resident football gaming expert and, thanks to his work on, monitors the market share of all mobile OSes on a daily basis.