
Magic Land Island hits Facebook's HTML5 app platform as social studio wooga signs up

'One of the most sophisticated HTML5 games ever'

Magic Land Island hits Facebook's HTML5 app platform as social studio wooga signs up

Already a force to be reckoned with on Facebook, social studio wooga – the firm behind the Diamond Dash series – has launched its first game on the social network's new mobile app platform.

Magic Land Island went live at the same time as the platform itself, with wooga looking to build on the 35 million monthly active users (MAUs) the developer already claims to have tapped up on the social network.

Magic move

The game, which acts as the mobile version of Facebook release Magic Land, is – in wooga's words - "one of the most sophisticated mobile HTML5 games so far", with the studio trumpeting cross-platform functionality with Android like Storm8 before it.

"We are exited about the possibilities, especially the new social distribution channels, which come along with Facebook’s new mobile apps and mobile site," said wooga founder and CEO Jens Begemann.

"Wooga has always focused on the social experience - to build games, which are inherently social. This new mobile technology allows us to take this expertise to a whole new level: social mobile."

Interestingly, wooga claims 70 percent of its users are female, many between 35 and 45 years old.

That's a demographic the studio believes is the perfect fit for Facebook's app platform, with wooga relying on such users to recommend games to one another moving forward.

[source: wooga]

Keith Andrew
Keith Andrew
With a fine eye for detail, Keith Andrew is fuelled by strong coffee, Kylie Minogue and the shapely curve of a san serif font. He's also Pocket Gamer's resident football gaming expert and, thanks to his work on, monitors the market share of all mobile OSes on a daily basis.