
Social studio Storm8 launches World War, iMobsters and Vampires Live on Facebook's web app for mobile

Project Spartan filling up

Social studio Storm8 launches World War, iMobsters and Vampires Live on Facebook's web app for mobile

It might have launched in the middle of the night, but it appears Facebook's partners knew an announcement about the social network's HTML5 app platform was coming.

As such, social studio Storm8 is one of the first developers to announce it is supporting the social network's new web app for mobile with the launch of three games on the platform: World War, iMobsters and Vampires Live.

Spanning the platforms

"With more than 210 million downloads, we've proven the enormous demand for our massively multiplayer mobile social games," said Storm8 CEO Perry Tam, CEO.

"Now we're bringing that same excitement to mobile users on the world's largest social network."

Interestingly, though the portal – reportedly dubbed Project Spartan during development – is currently exclusive to iOS, Storm8's PR talks of support for the Android version.

It claims users will be able to pause the game on an iPhone and then pick it up where they left off on a device running Google's OS. A launch on Android, therefore, appears imminent.

"By hooking our hottest games into Facebook, we're opening them up to a much larger audience and making it even easier for players to get friends involved," added Tam.

"While it's more fun for our players, it's also a huge growth opportunity for us."

[source: Marketwire]

Keith Andrew
Keith Andrew
With a fine eye for detail, Keith Andrew is fuelled by strong coffee, Kylie Minogue and the shapely curve of a san serif font. He's also Pocket Gamer's resident football gaming expert and, thanks to his work on, monitors the market share of all mobile OSes on a daily basis.